Polly bowls & cups

Dale Hardiman used the Plastimake Colouring Kit to make an amazing series of bowls and cups. The series is titled Polly, Dale describes it best:

Polly was the further development of the 'Irregular Forms' show at Dudley House in Bendigo in September. Created using only standard kitchen utensils, Polly is a range of home-wares made from a biodegradable, non-toxic polymer. Each piece is unique in shape and colour due to the inconsistant nature of the creation process. Coloured pigment is stretched and folded throughout, then hand moulded over forms, leaving one side of the form with a perfect finish, and the other dictated completely by the pressing and shaping of the hand. No two pieces are alike, resulting in a highly unique handmade object.

Dale's creations have been generating a bit of buzz recently, they've been featured on Designer Melbourne and Monument Magazine.

Photos by Georgia Charlotte Bloxham Hutchison

Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups
Polly bowls & cups

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